Delirium Testo

  1. Intro
  2. Brüder erwachet
  3. In die Schlacht
  4. Bluttag
  5. Asatru
  6. Wolfsnacht
  7. Frankenblut
  8. Lebenskampf
  9. Der neue Heiland
  10. ...und Irminsul wird nie mehr fallen
A Day After Die...
  1. My Last Cry
  2. As We Die For...
  3. A Dream Story
  4. Tears of Blood, Part I
  5. Mexican Rules
  6. Remember
  7. Silent Art
  8. Tears of Blood, Part II: In My Heart
  9. A Day After Die...
  1. The Ninth Dimension
  2. The Warrior
  3. Amputation
  4. Voices From Zzooouhh
  5. Floods of Intricate
  6. Menace Unseen
  7. The Sign of Urth
  8. Beyond the Gates of Afterdead
Dolce acqua
  1. Preludio (Paura)
  2. Movimento I (Egoismo)
  3. Movimento II (Dubbio)
  4. To Satchmo, Bird and Other Unforgettable Friends (Dolore)
  5. Sequenza I e II (Ipocrisia - Verità)
  6. Johnnie Sayre (Il perdono)
  7. Favola o storia del lago di Kriss (Libertà)
  8. Dolce acqua (Speranza)
  9. Jesahel