Charlie Byrd Testo

Bossa Nova Pelos Passaros
  1. Yvone
  2. Um abraço no bonfá (A Salute to Bonfá)
  3. Meditação (Meditation)
  4. Você e eu (You and I)
  5. Coisa mais linda (A Most Beautiful Thing)
  6. O barquinho (Little Boat)
  7. Desafinado (Slightly Out of Tune)
  8. Samba Triste
  9. Bim Bom
  10. Hô-bá-lá-lá
  11. Ela me deixou (She Has Gone)
  12. O pássaro (The Bird)
  13. Outra vez (Once More)
  14. Presente de natal (Christmas Present)
  15. How Insensitive (Insensatez)
  16. Three Note Samba
  17. Samda da minha terra (Samba of My Country)
  18. Limehouse Blues
For Louis
  1. Petite Fleur
  2. Remembering Louis Armstrong
  3. A Kiss to Build a Dream On
  4. Autumn in New York
  5. Hello Dolly
  6. Tin Roof Blues
  7. Soft Lights and Sweet Music
  8. A Child is Born
  9. Struttin' with Some Barbecue
  10. Indian Summer
  11. Rosetta
  12. What a Wonderful World