
Fountains of Fire Lyrics

Count it off, because presently we are a bit drifting-like through entire fountains.
Entire fountains of light. Light for the fright and the reflexes shifting now.
Entire fountains. And we may account for the requisite bleeding. And we are left
standing outside the framework. But then again no one did come here talking softly.
No, then again no one did come here talking softly. Wait it out because we will see
through fountains of fire tonight.
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Distance and Clime (2001)
The Connection's Not So Civilized Fountains of Fire Scrap the New Rails To Unleash the Horses Now Tundra (Part Seven) The Given Geography Truth Flies Out Janitorial on Channel Fail On the Sagtikos Actuator's Great Tonight Is Not It Decorated Equals Patiently Standing Upton to Riverhead to Mastic Call Down the Systems and the Ranks