
6AM Lyrics

I can't tell you it will be alright,
if it's something that I don't believe.
Every tear you cry just proves me right,
and so it's time for me to leave.
Here we are again on familiar land,
this time I'm waking up, not falling down,
I won't promise things that will never be,
now I'm mourning you.

And now that you're gone,
this tribal feud, this misery,
and now that you're gone,
thinking we can rise above,
and now that you're gone,
can't stand by as we destroy ourselves,
and now that you're gone,
and we try to call it love,
and now that you're gone.
And if it's true our paths would meet,
then I'd rather face my fears,
and when I'm gone you'll be complete,
you know that I will dry your tears.
And now that you're gone,
this tribal feud, this misery,
and now that you're gone,
thinking we can rise above,
and now that you're gone,
can't stand by as we destroy ourselves,
and now that you're gone,
and we try to call it love.
and now that you're gone.
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Return (2013)
Trigger Return Dead Tomorrow Goodbye (Ien Oblique vocal) The Things That Dreams Are Made Of Falling 6AM Goodbye (Colony 5 vocal) Forever 2013 Return (Imperative Reaction remix) Dead Tomorrow (V1rtual D3scent remix) 6AM (Noise Supression mix by R010R) Return (Mesh mix) Goodbye (Frontal Boundary remix) Falling (Hopeless mix by Armor) Trigger (Edge of Dawn mix) Return (Cephalgy remix) Falling (Enter and Fall remix) Goodbye (Aesthetic Perfection mix) Forever (Head-Less mix) Return (Funker Vogt remix)