
Ultimate Sacrifice Lyrics

They will drain our nation until our land runs dry. I ask the burning question why, my country, why? Everything I do, I do for my countryґs needs. I will lay down my life tomorrow for my heritage and creed

Donґt look away my country men. Donґt you turn the other cheek. Our army needs more warriors. Without you the outcome is bleak
Obsticles all around me, but I choose the patriotґs Road. Daily facing hardships, but living the Celtic code. For I am loyal to the cause, my country Iґll not lease. I will stand forever in defence of the customs I believe
Donґt look away my country men. Donґt you turn the other cheek. Our army needs more warriors. Without you the outcome is bleak

Dying doesnґt bother me, sacrifice for my countryґs needs. For traditions past on once again is the future that I see. Restoration of my land, prosperity for the white. The unity within our ranks shall ride our land, should ride our land of blight

Donґt look away my country men. Donґt you turn the other cheek. Our army needs more warriors. Without you the outcome is bleak. Donґt look away my country men. Donґt you turn the other cheek. Our army needs more warriors. Without you the outcome is bleak
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