
Kill Hollywood Me Lyrics

Two in a raw is a lang
two in a raw It's more than fine
I can't say no
and you cannot say yes
we have to kill hollywood me
we have to kill hollywood you
we should have done it
yesterday yesterday
Memories and fantasies are to be seen as enemies
to look at things the other way around
will do as good we're take us further from hollywood
I was ready to move on when I dested ah-ah
two kisses in a raw
two kisses in the street
two kisses first while
and then one to go
my friends think
you're not good for me
I said I'm not good for me
but I can change
I can feel a change

Memories and fantasies are to be seen as enemies
to look at things the other way around
will do as good we're take us further from hollywood
I was ready to move on when I dested
when I think stay
when I think stay
when I think stay
when I think stay
don't don't tell them what you know about me
don't don't them what you know about me
don't don't them what you know about me
don't don't them what you know about me
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Kill Hollywood Me (2008)
Cliffhanger At 7 In or Out Kill Hollywood Me Enter and Leave Happy Hour Teambuilding U-Turns Can I Touch? Car Song Zig Zag