
Madman of the Woods Lyrics

Deep in the woods
Lies a cabin the stench
Of death eminates from
The very ground on which
it stands
A genetic inbred mutant
Sits alone, hungry
But summer is coming soon
And they will be here
Young virgin flesh
So sweet and fresh

They are here, tonight
The hunt begins
Unseen, watching
I stalk my prey
I will kill them all
To quench my bloodlust
A stray has wandered alone
Far enough away from the camp
I strike, dragging her by the hair
To my cabin, she struggles
I care not, she is food
Beginning to skin her, she
Screams with every tear of
the flesh
I feast on her breast
Ripping chunks
Away with my teeth,
Gorging until
My gullet is full of flesh
and blood
Burying her remains
Tomorrow night the hunt
begins again...
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