
Ritual of l*** Lyrics

in the night, i feel my yearnings grow,to feel the releases of power,my dark seed to sew.my member engorged,withthe flame of l*** i shall know the flesh of the one that i covet.

come forth oh ye gods of the pit and make youreselves known. send forth the messenger of l*** to fulfill my desire.
my mind ablaze,withthoughts of obscene acts,which i would know.
my will is set in its course to act on these thoghts of impiety.
i have gathered my power ,to send forth,to join with the salts within;to d well in the flesh of my summoning,filling it with the flame of l*** ,for me.

my vision shall become a reality,through the force of my will,the angels of the first,shall become as the third.

my rod is athrust,to shatter the inhibitions,which stand in the way, of our fornication.
oh mighty baal peor,lord of the opening,remove the repressive paragin,that stands betwixt... my desire...and i.
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Black Grimoire (2005)
Invocation of Satan Statement of Baalzebub Necromancy Ritual of l*** Destruction Ritual Hand of Glory Summoning the Unholy War Ur Song Creation of Lilin