
Born Innocent Lyrics

Life meeting life
To create a fetus, an unborn child
Beating heart of an unformed mass
A featureless body. Is it alive or dead?
No control of it's own destiny
Stillborn not even a chance
To taste the fear of life itself
Blue-baby oxygen starved
Transfusion is the only way to live

Born innocent why fight to
Live when you can't win?
Born innocent into a world of pain
Hatred and sin
Born innocent to spoil the soul
Of a newborn child or let it die
Might be the way to be
Born innocent

Newborn baby, seeing the world
Through unblemished sight
Tried to save you, but we only
Prolonged your death
Forced to start
Breathing the sterilized air
Vital force
Commencing with a smack of the a**
Such traumatic beginnings
Of an infant soul so clean
No defense, at the mercy of those
Who do not seem to care
They pup up a facade
For those who need to see
Born innocent
Cries and pleas go unnoticed, unreplied
No one understands, until that babe has died
Maternal love the only hope for the young
Pushed from the womb with
The greatest of force
Departing soul, setting sun
Born innocent into a world of pain
Hatred and sin of pain, hatred, and sin
Newborn baby, seeing the world
Through unblemished sight
Tried to save you

Blood of my blood
Very existence, I've given you
Like soft clay to be formed
By manipulative minds
No book of directions
For what I have to do

Born innocent
Cries and pleas go unnoticed, unreplied
No one understands, until that babe has died
Maternal love the only hope for the young
Pushed from the womb, with the greatest force
Departing soul, setting sun
Born innocent into a world of pain
Hatred and sin of pain, hatred, and sin
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Chopping Block Blues (2002)