
p***Stomper Lyrics

Stomping p***, everyday Making sure it's alright Stomping p***, all the way On and on through the night Inherited job for the Fullers Stomping's all we do Doesn't matter what the f*** you say p*** stomping's the only way p*** Stomper! p*** Stomper! p*** Stomper! p*** Stomper! p*** Stomper! p*** Stomper! Stomp! [Random noise generator sounds?]
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Lyden nå (2007)
TendonsSlicedForTransport TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie RecreationalKilling BetterStartASeedBank ChildLabourEconomics BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops CzechItOutIGotSomeRules LustMord OhMyMyRahindley E55 RapedWithATyreIron ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad OrgansForAProfit StrungUpWithCockInHand BalladOfHenryAndotis SlowAndLongina Intro ThreeOhSevenOhh p***Stomper TheKidsCanGetFucked RockNRollJihad BrokeAssBitch MyspaceYourFace AngryDragon ILoveThePills DusterDuster TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown