
MyspaceYourFace Lyrics

your face
your face
i see your photos there
and i believe
it's hard for me to see
if i should stay or leave
it's often way too dark
or angled weird
to tell if you're a pig
or as hot as you appear
don't care about your friends
none of that s***
just want some dirty pics
so i can w*** a bit
so get your gear off
and turn on a light
take yourself a decent photo
then add me yeah alright!
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Lyden nå (2007)
TendonsSlicedForTransport TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie RecreationalKilling BetterStartASeedBank ChildLabourEconomics BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops CzechItOutIGotSomeRules LustMord OhMyMyRahindley E55 RapedWithATyreIron ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad OrgansForAProfit StrungUpWithCockInHand BalladOfHenryAndotis SlowAndLongina Intro ThreeOhSevenOhh p***Stomper TheKidsCanGetFucked RockNRollJihad BrokeAssBitch MyspaceYourFace AngryDragon ILoveThePills DusterDuster TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown