
DrugFiend Lyrics

ive been to hell you know that ive seen the show
been down that road and ive been driving on the go

and you all know that im a drug fiend
and you all know that im a drug fiend
dont care about the pace im keeping i dont care to think
all i care about is where im gonna score my next free drink

and you all know that im a drug fiend
and you all know that im a drug fiend
eyes open wide against their will
im a drug induced killing machine
drug feind
pumped full till my stomachs bleeding
i cant sleep to dream
drug fiend
dont like you s***** band no i dont dig that s***
i come for pills so f*** your scene man
my s*** dont stink
eyes open wide against their will
im a drug induced killing machine
drug feind
pumped full till my stomachs bleeding
i cant sleep to dream
drug fiend
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Blöod Düster (2003)
ForThoseAboutToFuck Idi SixSixSixteen c***Junkie Sellout IWannaDoItWithADonna FruityRelationships HeroinPunk Sk8ergrrl BadHabbits OnTheStage VeganFeast DrinkFightFuck TonyGoesToCourt (skit) OnTheHunt CurrentTrends Underground DrugFiend Achin'ForAn'A'Cup DahmerTheEmbalmer She'sAJunkie NuCorprate OrneryHornery