
BrokeAssBitch Lyrics

Don't you know it's a long way, To the top if you wanna rock Earning money the hard way Or should I just go get a job Being broke as a broke a** b**** Nearly all the time Struggling with all the rent and s*** Just trying to earn me a dime Oh yeah, I'm a broke a** b**** Oh yeah, sellin' meth I'll get rich Name a band and I'll tell you They aint got but a cent Jed Whitey will tell you It aint all about the rent Its about making fun of people And all the things that they do And when it comes to the bills and s*** I'll leave that upto you Oh yeah, I'm a broke a** b**** Oh yeah, sellin' meth I'll get rich Boom ShakaLaka Boom Boom [BAGPIPE SOLO] Oh yeah, I'm a broke a** b**** Oh yeah, sellin' meth I'll get rich Broke as a broke a** b**** [Feedback]
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Lyden nå (2007)
TendonsSlicedForTransport TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie RecreationalKilling BetterStartASeedBank ChildLabourEconomics BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops CzechItOutIGotSomeRules LustMord OhMyMyRahindley E55 RapedWithATyreIron ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad OrgansForAProfit StrungUpWithCockInHand BalladOfHenryAndotis SlowAndLongina Intro ThreeOhSevenOhh p***Stomper TheKidsCanGetFucked RockNRollJihad BrokeAssBitch MyspaceYourFace AngryDragon ILoveThePills DusterDuster TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown