
Reptilian Shrudders Lyrics

Once again, the sun has sunk in the horizon,
Breaching the Occident with crimson wounds,
Come, o Noctambulesque, creep under my shroud
and spread concupiscence in languorous pantomimes ...
your pleasure's the law if you discover mine...
Your scales' caresses -reptilian shudders-
compensates for the bruise left by fangs and claws.
As saliva gives l***re, I linger with fever over your every pore,
squirming by the temple where scrumptious vices dwell.

Seduced thus uxorious, tantalized by your venomous gaze,
I shine the idol of overshadowed rites,
this noble jewel deserves peculiar cares ...
a tongue alone won't do the trick to lick the drizzle of strange frolics,
to quaff the monstrous passions that lurk in your leer.

Your hospitable hiatus
exhales hedonistic delights,
and I taste it as a beast in a feast
Words seem superfluous, we use another language,
But alas! Confuse contradictions!
Madrigals are tattooed inside your womb
as the bane of l*** rages.

An ardent and insidious duet
lay on a soil cleansed of taboos
in a hellcove where the supreme offering is brought,
an interlude amid turmoil.
We should never relinquish our immoderate projects,
may they lead us to our ruin...
A familiar spectre shortens our nights, the ignoble Somnolence.
Now that we have blessed our flesh,
our both souls should here coalesce;
We're dislocated in amorous convulsions,
-the aftermath of demented clasps -
Shatter my rib-cage and extirpate my heart
that source of trouble stuck in Ut,
the burden of Melancholy alters my shoulders.

" I cannot love except where Death
Is mingling his with Beauty's breath. "

[Edgar A. Poe]
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Veiled Hideousness (2000)
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