
Tula Lyrics

The first thing I wrote,
A man eating a grizzly bear
The first thing I wrote,
I fought fires for seven years
It's the god honest truth
It's the god honest truth
It's the god honest truth
It's a terrible thing
There's more to this love
This big bad love
There's more to this love
Than the color red
Tula, Tula
Tula, Tula

There's more to this life
This wild and crazy life
There's more to this life
Than a random kiss

There's more to this story
There's more to this story
There's more to this story
Than a beginning or end
Tula, Tula
Tula, Tula
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Street Songs of Love (2010)
Anchor Silver Cloud This Bed Is Getting Crowded Street Songs Down in the Bowery Tender Heart After the Meteor Showers Tula Undesired Fall Apart With You Shelling Rain Faith Fort Worth Blue Man From Japan