
w****mageddon Lyrics

A scrupulous species - Bred to dominate
Exhibitionist features - Corrupted - Diluded
We are the w****s of man
Oh goddess of Faeces - From temptress to w****
Materialistic demeanour - Raped, degraded
Self loathing prevails
w****mageddon - w****s of Babylon
By filth approved and faith rejected
w****mageddon - A wretched demagogue
Wrought into travesty

Oh goddess of Faeces - From temptress to w****
Materialistic demeanour - Raped, degraded
Self loathing prevails

w****mageddon - w****s of Babylon
By filth approved and faith rejected
w****mageddon - A wretched demagogue
Wrought into travesty

Lies upon lies they carefully plant
Modern day idols for a generation of s***
A w****mageddon, new born messiah
Talentless c**** setting a standard of crud
Lies upon lies they purposely spread
Modern day fools for a generation of s***
A w****mageddon, new born messiah
Miserable lives reserved for us all
And here we stand again - A c**ture of self loathing

Vultures descending from the skies
Psycho predators, a deteriorating kind
Today a role model. tomorrow a fad
Miserable c****, the ruling class

A scrupulous species - Bred to dominate
Exhibitionist features - Corrupted - Diluded
We are the w****s of man
Oh goddess of Faeces - From temptress to w****
Materialistic demeanour - Raped, degraded
Self loathing prevails
Lies upon lies they carefully plan
Modern day idols for a generation of s***
A w****mageddon, new born messiah
Talentless c**** setting a standard of crud
Lies upon lies they purposely spread
Modern day fools for a generation of s***
A w****mageddon, new born messiah
Miserable lives reserved for us all

w****mageddon - This is our final judgement
w****s of Babylon - By filth approved and faith rejected
w****mageddon - A wretched demagogue
Wrought into travesty
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