Yogth Sothoth Songtext
Abominations of the Nebulah Mortiis
Prayer of Doom (Chronicle of the Mad Arab)
Lugubrious Crimson Twilight
Endless Infernal Darkness
Mystic Void
Calling the Wrath of Evil
Crawling Chaos
Abominations of the Nebulah Mortiis
Cthulhu fhtagn...
Rites of Destruction (Evil Sorcerers Domain)
Incantations in Full Moon
Descending to Absu (Ishtar Will Not Return)
Hades Wrapped in Clouds
Triumph of the Ancient Ones
Yogth Sothoth
Abominations of the Nebulah Mortiis
Calling the Wrath of Evil
Crawling Chaos
Cthulhu fhtagn...
Descending to Absu (Ishtar Will Not Return)
Endless Infernal Darkness
Hades Wrapped in Clouds
Incantations in Full Moon
Lugubrious Crimson Twilight
Mystic Void
Rites of Destruction (Evil Sorcerers Domain)
Triumph of the Ancient Ones
Yogth Sothoth