
Hypnosis Theme Lyrics

now come backward from ten
ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,...four...
what comes after four
keep concentrating... just relax...just concentrate and make your mind a blank...
ok... relax, please take this seriously...relax and have a good time!
tell me everything you remember

you're trying to hypnotize me
yes.. it's true...
please, breathe deeply...deeply...very deeply... and just concentrate
concentrate....., concentrate......., concentrate......
at the count to three you will awaken and remember nothing,
you will have no memories of this trance feelings...
you will not be upset by them...
one... you are coming out...
two... you are nearly conscious...
there`s nothing unusual in you childhood...let`s examine your present life...
let us examine every detail...every detail...every detail...........
now tell me what you feel
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Tales of the Forgotten Melodies (2005)
Behind the Curtain (Opening) Que serĂ¡ Ungodly Fruit Between Fellows Hypnosis Theme Damn That Music Made My Day Where My Heart's At Birth of a Struggle Am I Free Ringing Score I Don't Know Our Dance Stay Tuned Walk the Line A Woman's Voice Don't You Remember How I Feel Behind the Disguise (Closing)
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