
Let It Go Lyrics

Let me try to write a good song to my friends
Understand what they want to
I think it's something different
But it's hard to talk of something they agree
All the themes that come to me
Are so hard to comprehend
Talk about the politics
Or maybe the violence
I'm quite ready for my show

So when the men contempt the laws that they create
I'm afraid that it's too late
To fight back against our foe
Wars and hate are not the best way to survive
I think at least we have to try
To get back under control
Let it go

It's incredible the power of a song
In a few lines you have shown
Everything you wanted to
So I'll let you keep showing what's coming from your
you will search and maybe find
What we are supposed to do

Let's have fun through all night long
Dance around with one more song
Now, I'm ready for my show
There are just so many things that
drive us down in this world
What we're gonna do?
The individuals concentrate
their forces in the wrong directions, ask why
What we're gonna do?
Let's**** the lights !
Come on, let's force them to obey the human rights
Well, nothing here is going the way I wanted to
Come on, let's play our own role

Thank you my friend for the song that you have done
Now I'm getting high!
Sorry again for changing your song this much
I'll let it go.

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