Velojet Songtext

Heavy Gold And The Great Return Of The Stereo Chorus
  1. Prelude
  2. Don't Lose Your Head
  3. I Woke Up
  4. Heavy Gold
  5. Teenage Lies
  6. Pass It Back
  7. A Hole Under Your Feet
  8. You Can't Go Home
  9. Bright Lights
  10. The Great Return of the Stereo
  11. Give Up the Ghost
  12. The Money We Get Is the Price
  13. Driving Home
  14. Black Curtains
Heavy Gold
  1. Prelude
  2. Don't Lose You Head
  3. I Woke Up
  4. Heavy Gold
  5. Teenage Lies
  6. Pass It Back
  7. A Hole Under Your Feet
  8. You Can't Go Home
  9. Bright Lights
  10. The Great Return of the Stereo Chorus
  11. Give Up the Ghost
  12. The Money We Get Is the Price We Pay
  13. Silence Is Golden
  14. Driving Home
This Quiet Town
  1. Everybody Knows
  2. Spotlight
  3. Head Under Water
  4. I Follow My Heart
  5. I'm So Hungry
  6. Rain Will Fall
  7. Over the Years
  8. Stay Dont't Walk Away
  9. Waiting for a Long Time
  10. This Quiet Town
  11. The Garage Door
  12. [unknown]