
Out of Control (live) Lyrics

Monday morning
Eighteen years of dawning
I said how long
Said how long
It was one dull morning
I woke the world with bawling
I was so sad
They were so glad

Show myself
Getting out my soul
I got big ideas
I'm out of control
Oh oh oh

Boys and girls
Go to school, and girls
They make children
Not like this one

Show myself
Yeah, I got my soul
I got big ideas
I'm out of control
Oh oh oh
On the bass, from Malahide, Adam Clayton
On the drums, from the Artaine Boys Band, Larry Mullen Jnr.
And this is the Edge. I don't know where we got him.

Some might say it
I'm out of control
Big ideas
I'm out of control
Oh oh oh

My my, oh now, my oh my
There's some big ideas. Father, I need a lend of 500 pounds 'cause we're gonna go over to London. We're gonna score ourselves a record deal. And when we get our record deal, we're not gonna stay in London. We're not gonna go to New York City. We're gonna stay and base our crew in Dublin 'cause these people, this is our tribe. But I still need a lend of 500 pounds. What do you say, my old man? 500 pounds, I want to thank my old man for that 500 pounds. I want to thank Larry Mullen's father for 500 pounds. The Edge's mother and father for 500 pounds. Adam Clayton's family for 500 pounds. And by now, you've probably all given us about 500 pounds each, so thank you.
I'm out of control
I'm out of control
I'm out of control
I'm out of control

I fought fate
There's blood at the garden gate
The man said childhood
It's in your childhood

One day I'll die
The choice will not be mine
Will it be too late
You can't fight fate

Show my mama
I got soul
I got big ideas
I'm out of control
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