
Carrying the Fire Lyrics

Carrying the Fire (J.Wall / S.Wall)

They were wandering the roads with nowhere to hide
carrying the fire carrying the fire
carrying the fire carrying the fire
skin and bones and barely alive
Crushed down driven to hell
By the brute force of oliver Cromwell
And there were lost a half a million lives
Those that lived made sure the tale survived

On hundreds of ships crossing the seven seas
To Botany Bay, New York Mississippi,
through the cracks in godless concrete streets
life bloomed like some rebel weed
Escape from the city to the country

On freight ship he came from the east
In a hotel she cooks and cleans
He said don't know a soul in this strange place
She said come inside
Come on upstairs
Come on inside
Come on inside
We're gonna keep warm
Were gonna survive
Carrying the fire.
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