If you want to make your move, you got to play it... cool.
[jazz bass and cymbals start playing]
Now what you gotta do
If you wanna get a kiss
Is act real smooth
And make your move like this:
[stands up, stretches and yawns, and sits down again, arm still outstretched so it lands around Abe's shoulder]
Oh, I see!
So if I take your advice
And make your patented move,
Then my chances for love
Will slightly improve?
[does the Homer move]
[giggles] Now what's that rule?
Play it cool.
If you want to make your move, you got to play it... cool.
[jazz bass and cymbals start playing]
Now what you gotta do
If you wanna get a kiss
Is act real smooth
And make your move like this:
[stands up, stretches and yawns, and sits down again, arm still outstretched so it lands around Abe's shoulder]
Oh, I see!
So if I take your advice
And make your patented move,
Then my chances for love
Will slightly improve?
[does the Homer move]
[giggles] Now what's that rule?
Play it cool.