The Mothers of Invention Songtext

Over-Nite Sensation
  1. Camarillo Brillo
  2. I'm the Slime
  3. Dirty Love
  4. Fifty-Fifty
  5. Zomby Woof
  6. Dinah-Moe Humm
  7. Montana
Weasels Ripped My Flesh
  1. Didja Get Any Onya?
  2. Directly From My Heart to You
  3. Toads of the Short Forest
  4. Get a Little
  5. The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbeque
  6. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula
  7. My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama
  8. Oh No
  9. The Orange County Lumber Truck
  10. Weasels Ripped My Flesh
Uncle Meat
  1. The Voice of Cheese
  2. 400 Days of the Year
  3. Zolar Czakl
  4. Dog Breath, in the Year of the Plague
  5. The Legend of the Golden Arches
  6. The Mothers Play Louie Louie at the Royal Albert Hall in London
  7. The Dog Breath Variations
  8. King Kong Itself (as played by the Mothers in a studio)
  9. King Kong (its magnificence as interpreted by Dom DeWild)
  10. King Kong (as Motorhead explains it)
  11. King Kong (the Gardner Varieties)
  12. King Kong (as played by 3 deranged Good Humor Trucks)
  13. King Kong (live on a flat bed diesel in the middle of a race track at a Miami Pop Festival...the Underwood Zappa ramifications)
  14. Sleeping in a Jar
  15. Our Bizarre Relationship
  16. The Uncle Meat Variations
  17. Electric Aunt Jemima
  18. Prelude to King Kong
  19. God Bless America (live at the Whisky a Go Go)
  20. A Pound for a Brown on the Bus
  21. Ian Underwood Whips It Out (live on stage in Copenhagen)
  22. Mr. Green Genes
  23. We Can Shoot You
  24. "If We'd All Been Living in California..."
  25. The Air
  26. Project X
  27. Cruisin' for Burgers