
VII Lyrics

Veniat in brevi,
Jesu, bone Deus,
Finish huius evi
Annus inbileus!
Moriar, ne videam
Antichisti frameam,
Umbra c** videmus
Valles operiri
Proximo devemus
Noctem expeririů

Sed c** montes videris
Et colles c** ceteris
Rebus obscurari,
Nec fallis nee falleris,
Si mundo tune a**eris
Coctem dominari.

Versa est in luctum
Cithara Waltheri,
Non quia se ductum
Extra gregem cleri
Vel eiectum dolcat
Vel abiecti Ingeat
Vilitatem morbi
Sed quia considerat,
Quod finis accelerat
Improvisius orbi.

Restat ut per montes
Figurate notes
Seripturarum fonts,
Christi sacerdotes;
Colles dicti mystice,
Eo quod in vertice
Sion constitute
Mundo sunt pro speculo,
Vellent non abuti,
Si legis oraculo
Fit herditarium
Dei sancuarium

Come, Jesus Christ,
Bring an end to this world,
In justice,
Bring the Turning of the Ages!

Let me die, be my host
Before the Antichrist's murder,
As in deep dungeons
Shadows hung,
They admonished and foresaid,
Night will cover us;

But as we look around,
Hills and mountains
Sink into darkness
It can't be wrong to say
The whole world
Will drown in the night.
Only mournfull tunes
From Walther's cither sound,
Not that he departed bitterly
From the flock of brothers,
Not that he was chased away,
Not that he complains disease,
Leprosy and rouble,
No - that he sees the end
Approaching rapidly,
Unnoticed, the Earth.

'Mountains', this remark,
I call the scribe,
The priests of Christ,
The reliable to their tasks,
Are mountains in the parabel,
For they, for our sake alone,
High up on Zions's pinnacles,
Are model to the world,
As it is built on justice,
Intend ang begin.
In the fold of the kin
Lies God's Snactuary!
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