The Fugs Songtext

It Crawled Into My Hand, Honest
  1. Crystal Liason
  2. Ramses II Is Dead, My Love
  3. Burial Waltz
  4. Wide Wide River
  5. Life Is Strange
  6. Marijuana
  7. Leprechaun
  8. When the Mode of Music Changes
  9. Whimpers From the Jello
  10. The Divine Toe, Part 1
  11. We're Both Dead Now, Alice
  12. Life Is Funny
  13. Grope Need, Part 1
  14. Tuli, Visited by the Ghost of Plontinus
  15. More Grope Need (Grope Need, Part 2)
  16. Robinson Crusoe
  17. Claude Pelieu and J.J. Lebel Discuss the Early Verlaine Bread Crust Fragments
  18. The National Haiku Contest
  19. The Divine Toe, Part 2
  20. Irene
Virgin Fugs
  1. We're the Fugs
  2. New Amphetamine Shriek
  3. Saran Wrap
  4. The Ten Commandments by God
  5. Hallucination Horrors
  6. I Command the House of the Devil
  7. CIA Man
  8. Coca Cola Douche
  9. My Bed Is Getting Crowded
  10. Caca Rocka
  11. I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation Rot
The Fugs
  1. Frenzy
  2. I Want to Know
  3. Skin Flowers
  4. Group Grope
  5. Coming Down
  6. Dirty Old Man
  7. Kill for Peace
  8. Morning, Morning
  9. Doin' All Right
  10. Virgin Forest