
Blow Ye Winds Lyrics

They've advertised for whalermen, five hundred brave and true,
To fish for s**** on the whaling grounds of Chile and Peru. Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!
Its now we are at sea, me boys, the wind comes on to blow;
One half the watch is sick on deck, the other half below.
But as for the provisions, we don't get half enough;
A little bit of stinking beef and a little bag of duff. Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!

Then there's the running rigging, which you're supposed to know;
It's "Lay aloft, you son of a w****, or overboard you go!"
the cooper's at the vice bench, a-making iron poles,
The mate's upon the mainhatch, a-blasting all our souls, Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!

The skipper's on the quarterdeck, a-squinting at the sails,
When up aloft the lookout sights a b***** school of whales.
"Now clear away them boats, me boys, and after him we'll travel
But if you get too near his flukes, he'll flip you to the devil." Singing'
Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!

Then our waist-boat got down and we made a good start.
"Lay on me now, you bleeders, for I'm hell for a long dart."
Then the harpoon struck and the whale sped away,
But whatever he done, me boys, he give us fair play. Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!
Now we got him turned up, and we towed him alongside,
And we over with our blubberhooks and rob him of his hide.
Now the bo'sun overside the lift-tackle do haul,
And the mate there in the mainchains so loudly he do bawl. Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!

Next comes the stowing down, me boys, to take both night and day.
"You'll all have a tanner apiece, my boys, on the hundred and ninetieth lay."
When we get home, our ship fast, and we get through our sailing,
A winding glass around we'll pass, and to hell with blubber whaling! Singing'

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!

Blow ye winds in the morning, and blow ye winds high-o!
Clear away your running gear and blow winds blow!
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