The Boxmasters Songtext

The Boxmasters
  1. The Poor House
  2. Build Your Own Prison
  3. I'll Give You a Ring
  4. The Last Place They Would Look
  5. I'm Watchin' the Game
  6. 20 Years Ago
  7. That Mountain
  8. The Work of Art
  9. 2-Bit Grifter
  10. The Girl on the Side
  11. No Whiskey in Heaven
  12. She' Lookin' Better by the Minute
  13. Some of Shelly's Blues
  14. Memories of You and I
  15. Yesterday's Gone
  16. Knoxville Girl
  17. I Wanna Hold Your Hand
  18. Sawmill
  19. Original Mixed Up Kid
  20. House at Pooh Corner
  21. Propinquity
  22. The Kids Are Alright