The Advantage Songtext

  1. Batman: Stage 1
  2. Contra: Alien's Lair & Boss Music
  3. Double Dragon III: Egypt
  4. Ducktales: Moon
  5. Metroid: Kraid's Lair
  6. Air Fortress: Not Fat Iced Caramel Hazelnut Soy Latte With Extra Whipped Cream
  7. Bomberman 2: Wiggy
  8. Castlevania: Intro / Stage 1
  9. Solar Jetman: Braveheart Level
  10. Goonies 2: Wisemen
  11. Double Dragon II: Mission 5, Forest of Death
  12. Castlevania III: Boss Music
  13. Megaman II: Stage Select / Metal Man
  14. Castlevania II: Woods
  15. Guardian Legend: Corridor
  16. Wizards & Warriors: Tree Trunk, Woods, Victory