Swans Songtext

The Glowing Man
  1. Cloud of Forgetting
  2. Cloud of Unknowing
  3. The World Looks Red / The World Looks Black
  4. People Like Us
  5. Frankie M
  6. When Will I Return?
  7. The Glowing Man
  8. Finally, Peace
My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky
  1. Look at Me Go
  2. No Words / No Thoughts
  3. Reeling the Liars In
  4. Jim
  5. My Birth
  6. Inside Madeline
  7. Eden Prison
  8. Little Mouth
Soundtracks for the Blind
  1. Red Velvet Corridor
  2. I Was a Prisoner in Your Skull
  3. Helpless Child
  4. Live Through Me
  5. Yum-Yab Killers
  6. The Beautiful Days
  7. Volcano
  8. Mellothumb
  9. All Lined Up
  10. Surrogate
  11. How They Suffer
  12. Animus
  13. Red Velvet Wound
  14. The Sound
  15. Her Mouth Is Filled With Honey
  16. Blood Section
  17. Hypogirl
  18. Minus Something
  19. Empathy
  20. I Love You This Much
  21. YRP
  22. Fan's Lament
  23. Secret Friends
  24. The Final Sacrifice
  25. YRP 2
  26. Surrogate Drone
Body to Body, Job to Job
  1. I'll Cry For You
  2. Red Sheet
  3. Loop 33
  4. Your Game
  5. Seal It Over
  6. We'll Hang For That
  7. Half Life
  8. Loop 21
  9. Get Out
  10. Job
  11. Loop 1
  12. Mother, My Body Disgusts Me
  13. Cop
  14. Only I Can Hear, Only I Can Touch
  15. Thug