Superfamily Songtext

Guns Tonight
  1. The Songs of the Weak Will Die
  2. I'll Never Pull It Off
  3. Let's Go Dancing
  4. Been Such a Long Time
  5. Guns Tonight
  6. The Dive
  7. Commit Self-Portrait
  8. Your New World
  9. This Is Not the Time
Back in Paris
  1. It's a Lie
  2. I Don't Remember a Thing
  3. Taxi Dancing
  4. Shut Up and Cry
  5. Windows
  6. Rendez-Vouz a Pasloup
  7. The Wake Up Signal
  8. Love'n'Bones
  9. No More Fees
  10. Audrey
  11. Sterna Paradiseae
  12. You Can Go on a Date (If You Wannu)