
Gentle Annie Lyrics

Thou will come no more, gentle Annie,
Like a flower thy spirit did depart;
Thou art gone, alas! like the many
That have bloomed in the summer of my heart.
Shall we never more be hold thee;
never hear thy winning voice again
When the Spring time comes, gentle Annie,
When the wild flowers are scattered o`er the plain?
We have roamed and loved mid the bowers
When thy downy cheeks in their bloom;
Now I stand alone mid the flowers
While they mingle their perfumes o`er thy tomb.
Ah! the hours grow sad while I ponder
Near the silent spot where thou art laid,
And my heart bows down when I wander
By the streams and the meadows where we strayed.
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Songs By Stephen Foster (1987)
Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair There's a Good Time Coming Was My Brother in the Battle? Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair If You've Only Got a Moustache Gentle Annie Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love? That's What's the Matter Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway I'm Nothing but a Plain Old Soldier Beautiful Dreamer Mr. & Mrs. Brown Slumber My Darling Some Folks We Are Coming, Father Abraam, 300,000 More Linger in Blissful Repose There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming Soiree Polka Better Times Are Coming Katy Bell Hour for Thee and Me Summer Longings