Starcastle Songtext

Chronos 1
  1. Lady of The Lake
  2. Forces
  3. To The Fire Wind
  4. Fountains
  5. True to The Light
  6. Morning Fall
  7. A Fall of Diamonds
  8. Where Caverns Wind
  9. Portraits
  10. Dance of The Physotrons
  11. Breath and Thunder
  1. Shine on Brightly
  2. Shadows of Song
  3. Can't Think Twice
  4. Wings of White
  5. Evening Wind
  6. Change in Time
  7. Could This Be Love
  8. Why Have They Gone
Fountains of Light
  1. Fountains
  2. Dawning of the Day
  3. Silver Winds
  4. True to the Light
  5. Portraits
  6. Diamond Song (Deep Is the Light)
  1. Lady of the Lake
  2. Elliptical Seasons
  3. Forces
  4. Stargate
  5. Sunfield
  6. To the Fire Wind
  7. Nova