Starbomb Songtext

Starbomb Ex Plus Alpha
  1. Intro
  2. I Choose You to Die
  3. Luigi's Ballad
  4. It's Dangerous to Go Alone
  5. Mega Marital Problems
  6. Rap Battle: Ryu vs. Ken
  7. Crasher-Vania
  8. The Book of Nook
  9. Sonic's Best Pal
  10. Regretroid
  11. Kirby's Adventures in Reamland
  12. The Simple Plot of Final Fantasy 7
  13. Outro
  14. I Choose You to Die (karaoke version)
  15. Luigi's Ballad (karaoke version)
  16. It's Dangerous to Go Alone (karaoke version)
  17. Mega Marital Problems (karaoke version)
  18. Rap Battle: Ryu vs. Ken (karaoke version)
  19. Crasher-Vania (karaoke version)
  20. The Book of Nook (karaoke version)
  21. Sonic's Best Pal (karaoke version)
  22. Regretroid (karaoke version)
  23. Kirby's Adventures in Reamland (karaoke version)
  24. The Simple Plot of Final Fantasy 7 (karaoke version)