Sounds of Blackness Songtext

Time for Healing
  1. Africana
  2. Spirit
  3. We Are Gonna Make It Through, Part 1
  4. Hold On (Change Is Comin')
  5. Love Will Never Change
  6. Love Train
  7. God Cares
  8. Hold On (Don't Let Go)
  9. Crisis
  10. We Are Gonna Make It Through, Part 2
  11. You Can Make It If You Try
  12. The Blackness Blues
  13. A Spiritual Medley
  14. So Far Away
  15. Familiar Waters
  16. Time for Healing
  17. We Are Gonna Make It Through, Part 3
  18. Hold On (Change Is Comin') (Roger Troutman remix)
  19. Kwanzaa-Uomja-Uhuru
Africa to America: The Journey of the Drum
  1. Hold On, Part 1
  2. I'm Going All the Way
  3. Ah Been 'Buked, Part 1
  4. I Believe
  5. Hold On, Part 2
  6. Everything Is Gonna Be Alright
  7. Sun Up to Sundown
  8. The Lord Will Make a Way
  9. He Took Away All My Pain
  10. A Place in My Heart
  11. The Harder They Are the Bigger They Fall
  12. The Drum (Africa to America)
  13. African Medley: Royal Kingdoms / Rise / My Native Land
  14. A Very Special Love
  15. Strange Fruit
  16. You've Taken My Blues & Gone
  17. Livin' The Blues
  18. Ah Been 'Buked, Part 2
The Evolution of Gospel
  1. Chains
  2. Optimistic
  3. Ah Been Workin'
  4. The Pressure, Part 1
  5. Testify
  6. Gonna Be Free One Day
  7. Stand
  8. The Pressure, Part 2
  9. Your Wish Is My Command
  10. Hallelujah Lord!
  11. We Give You Thanks
  12. He Holds the Future
  13. What Shall I Call Him?
  14. Better Watch Your Behavior
  15. Please Take My Hand
  16. I'll Fly Away
  17. Harambee