You're 15 & you love eating food that is not good
For your health, for your skin and that's why you eat pizza
All the stuff on top looks like your face
You don't care, you are young, you are free
It's your song, eat what you like
But there are some that take care of the pimples, of their faces
You wake up in the morning, you're looking at your face
And you see this pimple, there are some that are red
But the biggest ones are green and white
You feel like you're ugly, you think you are bad
But there is no problem 'cause you can spray this juice
On the ones that uoc hate, it's wonderful
Spray the Juice
Don't listen to the TV, they will make you guilty
They will hypnotize you & sell peroxide
You will put it on your face and have no more juice
To spray on the bad guys
Oooh it will be so sad
For your health, for your skin and that's why you eat pizza
All the stuff on top looks like your face
You don't care, you are young, you are free
It's your song, eat what you like
But there are some that take care of the pimples, of their faces
You wake up in the morning, you're looking at your face
And you see this pimple, there are some that are red
But the biggest ones are green and white
You feel like you're ugly, you think you are bad
But there is no problem 'cause you can spray this juice
On the ones that uoc hate, it's wonderful
Spray the Juice
Don't listen to the TV, they will make you guilty
They will hypnotize you & sell peroxide
You will put it on your face and have no more juice
To spray on the bad guys
Oooh it will be so sad