Sky Larkin Songtext

  1. Motto
  2. Newsworthy
  3. The Loyal Beat
  4. Treasury
  5. Loom
  6. Carve It Out
  7. Tarn
  8. Frozen Summer
  9. Bravo Dodo
  10. Overgrown
  11. Italics
  12. Que Linda (Wake to Applause)
  13. To the Glow
  1. Still Windmills
  2. Kaleide
  3. Tiny Heist
  4. Landlocked
  5. Anjelica Huston
  6. Spooktacular
  7. Year Dot
  8. Coffee Drinker
  9. ATM
  10. Shade by Shade
  11. Guitars and Antarctica
  12. Smarts (Shh Version)