
Prospect Lane Lyrics

Spoken: Sometimes people ask me what it was like riding the trains. Kinda boring most of the time you'd be waiting and such. Here's some other things.

Sung: Woah waiting for the train today yesterday just the same, woah waiting for the train down at the end of Prospect Lane.
I got my ear down to the ground listening for that rumbling sound, deliver me from this town today im going to be homeward bound, I got my ear down to the ground listening for that rumbling sound, deliver me from this town today im going to be homeward bound.
Woah waiting for the train today yesterday just the same, woah waiting for the train down at the end of Prospect Lane. Down at the end of prospect lane
Waiting for the train
Waiting for the train
Waiting for the train.
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I Started Out With Nothin' and I Still Got Most of It Left (2008)
Started Out With Nothin Walkin' Man St. Louis Slim Happy Man Prospect Lane Thunderbird Fly by Night Just Like a King One True Chiggers My Youth The Log Cabin Free Country