
McDonald's Kitchen Lyrics

Have you seen the young girl who serves McDonald's burgers,
Stacking them in boxes in their dry little piles?
In her eyes you'll see no pride,
'Cause she knows what they've put inside,
When she sees us eating it's the only time she smiles.

So how can you tell me you're hungry,
And say a snack you'd like to find?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through McDonald's kitchen,
I'll show you something to make you change your mind.
Have you seen the old girl in the closed up Wendy's,
Scraping up the pieces from the tables and the floor?
In an effort to disguise them she takes them back and fries them,
But you still recognize them when they come round once more.


Have you seen the businessman outside Colonel Sanders,
His appetite fading as he stops and peers inside?
All around the city, little voices cry: "Have pity
On one more forgotten kitty who's now Kentucky fried."
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By Popular Demand, Volume 2 (1991)
The Whistling Gypsy The Thing Old Folks Sarah, Sarah Seeing-Eye Dogs The Barley Mow The Little Fly King Caractacus McDonald's Kitchen The Moonshiner Tribute to the Armed Services / Drunken Sailor