
Machinations Lyrics

Sometimes, as if possessed by an uncontrollable force, I cover the leagues to maybe come across someone, even though I know I will not encounter a soul. Because this solitude is my choice, my vow! Marching against the whistling glacial gusts that pierced my ears with their cries, they made me cry, but my tears remain congealed upon my face. Am I mad? Have my own machinations caused my madness? Maybe it would have been better for me if I had stayed in the real world, where there is only indifference. Immediately I quashed that my truly insane thought...
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Chronophobia (1999)
...But All Has Changed My Isolation No Rejuvenation Chronophobia Room Eleven Twins Like a Wicker Man That Will Never Burn ! Overwhelming Lethargy (Somewhere Inside a World of Ice) Machinations Strange Impulse [untitled]