S.J. Tucker Songtext

  1. September's Rhyme
  2. Ask Me Anything
  3. Sailing Song
  4. Song of the Witches
  5. Wonders
  6. Glashtyn Shanty
  7. Little Skylark (the Worsted Wood)
  8. September Morning Bell
  9. The Great Velocipede Migration
  10. Not the Villain
  11. For Iago
  12. Little Skylark (safe at home)
Solace & Shadow
  1. Sorrow's Songs (Child of Dying Stars)
  2. Seven
  3. City of Marrow
  4. The Gaselli
  5. Taglio!
  6. Grotteschi the Red
  7. Manticore's Lullabye
  8. Ember Queen, Ash Queen
  9. Kashkash
  10. The Mice
  11. The Kingdom of Mice
  12. Solace
  13. Firebird's Child