
The Syncopated Clock Lyrics

There was a man like you and me
As simple as a man could ever be
And he was happy as a king
Except for one peculiar thing
He had a clock that worked all right
It worked all right, but not exactly quite
Instead of going "tick, tock, tick"
The crazy clock went "tock, tick, tock"

The poor old man just raved and raved
Because nobody could say
Why his silly clock behaved
That hickory d***ory way
But now a famous man is he
He owns a public curiosity
From far and wide the people flock
To hear the syncopated clock

Tick-a-tock, tick-a-tock
There's a zing in the swing of that clock
Tock-a-tick, tock-a-tick
Don't you think it's a marvelous trick
Ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling
There's a zong in the bong of that ring
Ling-a-ting, ling-a-ting
Don't you think it's a wonderful thing
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Clooney Tunes (2004)
Little Sally One Shoe The Land of Hatchy Milatchy The Little Shoemaker Me and My Teddy Bear Betsy, My Paper Doll On the Good Ship Lollipop Willie the Whistling Giraffe Little Red Monkey (Ting-A-Ling-Ling) Here Comes the Ice Cream Man The Syncopated Clock Kitty Kats' Party The Teddy Bear's Picnic Bongo / Lazy Countryside / Too Good to Be True / Say It With a Slap Outtake / Dinah Shore in Bongo The Adventures of Piccolo, Saxie & Company