
Make Something Out of What It's Worth Lyrics

I wiped the blood off your face with the snow
And we struggled our way back
Through the cold
Into the dark
Into the wild
With little hope
Left in your eyes
Drained by our dreams of a fuller life
You lacked determination to walk through the night
So we boiled our medicine over a fire

My advice
Was to make something out of what it's worth

You confused with being a pioneer with hard times
At the end what's more important?
To have toiled?
To have tried?
I'll let you decide
It's the curse that you'll carry on your face mapped by time
Calloused fingers and a toothless smile
You look like you were born into the wild
You were born into the wild
At the first house ahead
You said I will not be framed by last night
Only a coward lines his windows with a lie
Just leave me here and let me lie

Arm in arm
We struggled on into town
But the troubled looks from the passers by
Made us hang our heads down and bow our eyes
And leave our mercy to the wild

And we can make something out of what it's worth
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The Impossible Song & Other Songs (2011)
A New Day Has Begun Make Something Out of What It's Worth Work Like You Can Tangled Wire Roll Along Hour After Hour Leaving Without Gold New Frontier Old Town Living as You Always Have Gather the Day Between the Old Moon