Right the Stars Songtext

Hello Yes OK
  1. Best Days of our Lives
  2. All I Ever Know
  3. Give It All
  4. My Melody
  5. Together We're Never Alone
  6. Stay (Don't Go Away)
  7. We Got It All
  8. Computer Crimes
  9. I Can See the Light
  10. Feels Like Magic
  11. Airhead (There's the Moment)
Right the Stars
  1. Let Go of Her Hand
  2. We Got It All
  3. House By the Ocean
  4. Anyway
  5. South Indian Monkey Trap
  6. You Know the Way
  7. Life in a Northern Town
  8. Time
  9. Know That I Would
  10. Making Deals With God
  11. Technicolor Movies