
Immeasurably More Lyrics

Verse 1:
More than all we ask,
than all we seek,
all our hopes and dreams;
You are immeasurably more
than we can know,
than we can pray.
All our words can say
You are immeasurably more.

There"s nothing greater than Your love;
You"re more than we can imagine.
There"s nothing sweeter on this earth;
You"re more than we can imagine.
Our hearts respond to who You are.
It"s You, O Lord, that we adore.
You are more, You are more,
You're more than we can imagine.
You are more, You are more,
You're more than we can imagine.
Verse 2:
More than all our sin,
than all our shame,
stronger than the grave,
You are immeasurably more
I can't help but sing,
can't help but praise,
my heart cannot contain;
You are immeasurably more.
Mid section:
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
what is coming, what is coming.
Never-ending joy, never-failing love;
You are coming, You are coming!

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a division of David C Cook, [email protected]. Used by permission.
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