Ray Manzarek Songtext
Carmina Burana
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wounds of Fate
The Face of Spring
The Dance
Sweetest Boy
If the Whole World Was Mine
Boiling Rage
The Roasted Swan
In the Tavern
Love Flies Everywhere
A Young Girl
Come, My Beauty
The Lovers
The Wheel of Fortune
The Whole Thing Started With Rock & Roll Now It's Out of Control
The Whole Thing Started With Rock and Roll, Now It's Out of Control
The Gambler
Whirling Dervish
Begin the World Again
I Wake Up Screaming
Art Deco Fandango
Bicentennial Blues (Love It or Leave It)
Perfumed Garden
The Golden Scarab
He Can't Come Today
Solar Boat
Downbound Train
The Golden Scarab
The Purpose of Existence Is?
The Moorish Idol
Choose Up and Choose Off
Oh Thou Precious Nectar Filled Form (or) A Little Fart
Choose Up and Choose Off
Downbound Train
He Can't Come Today
Oh Thou Precious Nectar Filled Form (or) A Little Fart
Solar Boat
The Golden Scarab
The Purpose of Existence Is?
The Wheel of Fortune
Whirling Dervish