
The Sum of a Body Lyrics

We've got our drink, and we got our pill.
Teach us what to think, while you've got us sitting still.
We do whatever it takes to get that dollar bill.
Can you see the price tags hanging from our free will?
Well you will.
[chorus 1]
Was there something more that I was supposed to be,
than an indentured servant shackled to my T.V.?
I've been waiting patiently for somebody to set me free,
never realizing somebody is me, or that I was somebody.
What if somebody came along with a key,
and gave us the chance to set ourselves free,
then generously pointed in the right direction.
Would that just make us angry? Perpetuate our misery?
Would you sit there idly, or stand up and run to be free?

[chorus 2]
Was there something more that I was supposed to be,
than slave to fantasy living vicariously?
I've been waiting patiently for somebody to set me free,
never realizing somebody is me, or that I was somebody.
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Ray Koefoed (2012)
Parasomnia Taste the Cake The Sum of a Body Ghost Excommunicated A Plague On You Cowboy Vs Technology The Merciless My Poisonous Friend Taskmistress Daily Grind Reign of The Disruptors Hell to Pay Brutal Dance Piece of My Soul Generation of Disorder Horizon of Ruin Hydra Courtship Uranus Colony Toxic Alchemy