Ray Dylan Songtext
Goeie Ou Country - Vol. 3
Let Your Love Flow
Rhinestone Cowboy
Coward Of The County
To All The Girls I Have Loved Before met Nicholis Louw
Am I That Easy To Forget
Hush Hush Maria
Let Me Be There
Stolen Love
Black Coffee
Please Help Me I'm Falling
Tequila Sunrise
When You Walk In The Room
From This Moment met Nikki Lalo
I Ain't Missing You
Time On My Hands
Whole Lot Of Leavin'
Party For Two
Walk Away
You Got It
Tennessee Waltz
Goeie Ou Country
Why Don't You Spend the Night
Folsom Prison Blues
My Special Prayer
Islands in the Stream
From a Jack to a King
Cry to Me
Help Me Make It Through the Night
Distant Drums
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Put Your Hand in the Hand
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
John Denver Medley: Annie's Song; Back Home Again; Country Roads
I Can't Stop Loving You
Breek die Ys
Breek die Ys
Jy maak my mal
Hier's ons nou
Ons soek net country
Wanneer laas
To all the girls I've loved before
Hoe kan ek weet
Kom terug
7 dae 7 nagte
Wat van nou
Ek het jou nodig
Live on
Kry jou ry
Die meisies
Dit is myne
Major Tom
Here I am
Treffer na treffer hitmix
Hier Binne (Klop 'n Boerehart)
Dis Verby
Hier Binne (Klop 'N Boerehart)
Jy Was Reg Bokkie Baby
My Hart Klop Hard
You Got It
Verslaaf aan Jou
Wie Sou Kon Glo
Alles Vir Jou
The One I Love
Ie Hemel Treur
Vanaand Lig Ons Die Dak
Walk Away
Kom bietjie hier
Die Lewe Het Nie Brieke Nie
Jy Maak My Bly
I Ain't Missing You
Hier Binne (Klop 'N Boerehart) (Pompie Mix)
Wie Sou Kon Glo (Akoestiese Weergawe)
Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie
Wys My Hoe
Soek Jou Hier, Soek Jou Daar
Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie
Breathe Easy
I Wish
Ek's Verlief Op Jou
Heeltemal Niks
Kan Ek Maar?
Die Lekker Ou Wals
I Want To Know What Love Is
Rock Medley: Hysteria; Never Say Never; Rock'n'Roll Dreams Come Through
Hungry Eyes
Love Hurts
Turn, Turn, Turn
Tougher Than The Rest
It's Your Love
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Breek die Ys
Dis Verby
Ek's Verlief Op Jou
Heeltemal Niks
Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie
Hungry Eyes
I Want To Know What Love Is
It's Your Love
Kan Ek Maar?
Love Hurts
Soek Jou Hier, Soek Jou Daar
Wys My Hoe
You Got It