R.L. Burnside Songtext

A Bothered Mind
  1. Detroit Boogie, Part 1
  2. See What My Buddy Done
  3. Shake 'em on Down
  4. Going Down South
  5. My Name Is Robert Too
  6. Someday Baby
  7. Go to Jail
  8. Bird Without a Feather
  9. Glory Be
  10. Goin' Away Baby
  11. Rollin' and Tumblin'
  12. Stole My Check
  13. Detroit Boogie, Part 2
Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down
  1. Hard Time Killing Floor
  2. Got Messed Up
  3. Miss Maybelle
  4. Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Down
  5. Too Many Ups
  6. Nothin' Man
  7. See What My Buddy Done
  8. My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble
  9. Bad Luck City
  10. Chain of Fools
  11. R.L.'s Story
  12. Black Mattie
  13. Laugh to Keep From Cryin'
Mississippi Hill Country Blues
  1. Miss Maybelle
  2. House Up on the Hill
  3. Gone So Long
  4. Skinny Woman
  5. See What My Buddy Done
  6. Don't Care How Long You're Gone
  7. Lost Without Your Love
  8. Shake 'em on Down
  9. Bad Luck and Trouble
  10. Just Like a Woman
  11. Greyhound Bus Station
  12. Crying Won't Make Me Stay
  13. Rolling and Tumbling
  14. Mellow Peaches
  15. I Believe
  16. Poor Boy
  17. Poor Black Mattie
  18. Jumper on the Line
  19. Long Haired Doney
My Black Name A-Ringin'
  1. Goin' Down South
  2. Two Trains Runnin'
  3. Sat Down on My Bed and Cried
  4. Nine Days in Jail
  5. Long Haired Doney
  6. Hobo Blues
  7. My Black Name A-Ringin'
  8. Catfish Blues
  9. See My Jumper
  10. Peach Tree Blues
  11. Goin' Away Blues
  12. Poor Boy
  13. Tom Wilson's Place
Come On In
  1. Been Mistreated
  2. Come On In (live)
  3. Let My Baby Ride
  4. Don't Stop Honey
  5. It's Bad You Know
  6. Just Like a Woman
  7. Come On In, Part 2
  8. Rollin' Tumblin' (remix)
  9. Please Don't Stay
  10. Shuck Dub
  11. Come On In, Part 3
  12. Heat
Mississippi Blues
  1. Jumper Hanging Out on the Line
  2. Sweet Little Angel
  3. Long Haired Doney
  4. Nightmare Blues
  5. Poor Black Mattie
  6. Catfish Blues
  7. Death Bells
  8. Dust My Broom
  9. Bad Luck and Trouble
  10. Rolling and Tumbling
  11. When My First Wife Quit Me
Acoustic Stories
  1. When My First Wife Left Me
  2. Death Bell Blues
  3. Skinny Woman
  4. Monkey in the Pool Room
  5. Hobo Blues
  6. Walking Blues
  7. Long Haired Doney
  8. Poor Black Mattie
  9. Meet Me in the Bottom
  10. Miss Glory B
  11. Kindhearted Woman Blues
Sound Machine Groove
  1. Shake, Little Baby
  2. Rolling and Tumbling
  3. Bad Luck City
  4. Going Down South
  5. Sound Machine Groove
  6. Sitting on Top of the World
  7. Begged for a Nickel
  8. Can't Let You Go
  9. Jumper Hanging Out on the Line
  10. Searching for My Baby
  11. Long Haired Doney
  12. Pretty Woman
  13. Goin' Away, Baby
Mr. Wizard
  1. Over the Hill
  2. Alice Mae
  3. Georgia Women
  4. Snake Drive
  5. Rollin' & Tumblin'
  6. Out on the Road
  7. Highway 7
  8. Tribute to Fred
  9. You Gotta Move
A a** Pocket of Whiskey
  1. Goin' Down South
  2. Boogie Chillen
  3. Poor Boy
  4. 2 Brothers
  5. Snake Drive
  6. Shake 'em on Down
  7. The Criminal Inside Me
  8. Walkin' Blues
  9. Have You Ever Been Lonely?
Too Bad Jim
  1. Shake 'em on Down
  2. When My First Wife Left Me
  3. Short-haired Woman
  4. Old Black Mattie
  5. Fireman Ring the Bell
  6. Peaches
  7. Miss Glory B.
  8. .44 Pistol
  9. Death Bell Blues
  10. Goin' Down South