Puny Human Songtext

It's Not the Heat, It's the Humanity
  1. Champagne Minivan
  2. The Toos
  3. Greasin' the Wheel
  4. Devil's Riff
  5. The Ox
  6. Even Now We Are Preparing to Love You
  7. Witches Chasing Cabs
  8. Bare Knuckle Love
  9. Kill You in the Face
  10. B.I.B.L.E.
Revenge Is Easy
  1. Raze the Leghorn Bar
  2. Goddess of the Metal
  3. Eating Cigarettes
  4. Lefty Among the Leeches
  5. Jesus Has My Leg
  6. Stink of Two Men
  7. Spatial Interpolation
  8. Jimbo the Hut
  9. Way of the Intercepting Fist
  10. Damone
  11. [silence]
  12. [silence]
  13. [silence]
  14. [silence]
  15. [silence]
  16. [silence]
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  25. [silence]
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  34. [silence]
  35. [silence]
  36. [silence]
  37. [silence]
  38. [silence]
  39. Rock in a Hard Place